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September 23rd Newsletter

a symbol of courage, a feather enables flight

a feather was chosen as a symbol of courage because feathers enable flight.  they are a building block of risking heights. a first flight requires bravery to jump from the nest. a bird will fail to experience all it was made for it it fails to fly.

and the same thing is true for us. we each have the need for adventure written into our DNA, but we must step into the places that make us uncomfortable in order to become all that we were created to be.

May this coming year change your life.
May you hear whispers of hope stirring in your soul.
May you find courage to become more yourself.
This year at MOPS, may you find the courage to 

Be you, bravely!  

This Week's Speaker:

Jackie Alvarez Video: Jackie works with MOPS international and is part of the Be you, bravely campaign this year.  In the video, Jackie introduces us to this theme for our year and encourages us to step outside our comfort zone and be all that we were meant to be. 

This Week's Reminders:

  • We have Discussion Group Leaders for each table.  Each mom is assigned a table for the year to sit at to facilitate deeper relationships and grow in connectedness with these women.  We strive to get to know everyone, but know that consistency breeds intimacy and our hope is to develop a safe place in which every mom feels open and able to share what is on her heart and mind.
  • Please enter Maple Grove Evangelical Free Church at the Main (or South) Entrance. When you come in there will be greeters that can direct you where to check in your children (at our computer systems upstairs in the nursery hall) and show you where our meeting will be held (community/gym room). Once you get in the community room, you can find your table (color coded by table names). You should have been contacted or will be shortly by your DGL telling you your table name and color.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at  Please try to arrive early (we have workers available as early as 9:15) in order that we can work through any first day hiccups that we may encounter with registering children and finding your appropriate childcare rooms. 
    A general outline of our meeting is as follows:
    9:30 Prayer/Brunch
    9:45 Welcome/Introduction/Announcements
    10:00 Speaker
    10:30 Discussion
    11:00 More Discussion/Craft
    11:30 Dismissal
    Also don't forget to bring your membership payment to our first meeting! Year Total or Fall Semester Total payments are due Sept 23 and will be collected at your tables. If paying by check, please make it out to Maple Grove E-Free Church (or MGEFC) and write "MOPS Dues" in the memo line. For payment information please refer to 2014-2015 MOPS Membership Dues and Payment Information email from Peggy Goshaw, or feel free to contact her at
  • There will be an opportunity for prayer partners this year. If  you are interested in doing prayer partners there will be a sign up sheet passed around at the first MOPS meeting. We will randomly match up those who sign up. If you are interested our hope is for you to communicate with your partner at least once a week to see how they are doing and how you can pray for them. This is a great opportunity to meet a new mom and to be able to encourage and pray for each other as we go through motherhood together.
  • Check out our "About" section of this blog to see some names and faces of the steering team this year.  This is a way to get to know the women who are serving you this year.  Explore the blog!  There is lots of good information on here.  And if you haven't already, subscribe to follow us throughout the year.

  This Week's MOPPETS:

Welcome to MOPPETS! We are so glad to have your children joining us this year for MOPPETS! They are precious in God’s sight and we love them all. A few changes or reminders for this year:
  • Jan Kemper has joined me as co-coordinator. We are blessed to have her knowledge and expertise in setting up each lesson.
  • Children in the Infant, Waddler, Cruiser, and Barnyard Rooms will have loving childcare with books, music, stories, and cuddling.
  • Children in Sea Mates, Kingdom Kids, and Kids Zone see the BOZ video and create crafts based on the BOZ Curriculum. There will be one craft per lesson (not necessarily each session) so hopefully there is plenty of time for the craft to dry before going home with you. These classes will go outside or to the Surge Room for play-time each session. Be sure to dress your child in appropriate outerwear as we will be going outside as long as the weather permits.
  • Cruiser Room children and older will have age appropriate snacks. For safety reasons, we will only give your child the food/bottle that you provide in the Infant and Waddler Rooms.
  • Please remember to pick up your child as close to 11:30 as you can. Especially for the younger children, they are just exhausted and really need their mommies.

The Children Love BOZ! We have once again chosen to use BOZ TREEHOUSE TIME! created by the makers of ‘Barney’, for our MOPPETS curriculum. BOZ is a loveable, and very green, bear and BOZ TREEHOUSE TIME! encourages young children to discover God’s world through play-based, faith-focused activities. The interactive learning experiences will help children know and love God. We hope that your child will enjoy BOZ as much as we do.

The theme for our next two BOZ sessions will be ‘Double Preppy Pizza’.
BOZ Buzz! Choosing healthy foods is the first theme for BOZ Treehouse Time! this year at MOPPETS. To introduce this topic, invite your child to identify fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator or on the kitchen counter. In the grocery store, see how many items your child can name in the produce department. Perhaps your child can even help you choose healthy options to create a tasty rainbow for supper this week!

  • Memory Verse: God gives me food (Psalm 111:5: He provides food for those who fear him; he remembers his covenant forever.)
  • Biblical Concept: God cares for His people
  • Concept in Action: I can enjoy the food God gives me.
  • Snack: September 23: Bananas
  • Snack: October 14th: Fruit pizza: children will create with sugar free jelly, cream cheese, and graham crackers.
  • Craft: Veggie printing: cut veggies dipped in colored paint.
We are all looking forward to a wonderful year and thanking God for His kindnesses. If you would like more information about the BOZ curriculum, please visit If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. I look forward to getting to know you and do remind me of your names. I do try but I have to admit I am lacking in this area.

Have a blessed year with MOPS and MOPPETS!

–Lori Andreen 612.802.1550

Save the Date:

  • Guardianship meeting: October 21st at 7pm with Chuck Roulette. This is an informative meeting for you and/or your husband to get information on wills and important legal information that many of us have neglected to put into place for our families.  He also speaks on not only the legal side, but also on leaving a legacy for your family. Childcare is available for $5 per family with signup.  
  • Pumpkin Patch:  All MOPS playdate at 101 Market in Otsego on September 29th at 10 am.  If you feel so inclined, bring a lunch and picnic together!
