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Showing posts from 2015

December 8th Meeting

Next Tuesday is our first and only meeting in December. A reminder that everyone is encourage to come early. Remember child care opens at 9:15 so if you check your kids in early you can get settled early too! Speaker Information Jon Platek, Lead Pastor of MGEFC will be sharing a Christmas message with us!    Brunch A reminder that the PURPLE TABLE has brunch this week. Steering Team Child Care Thank you! Our thanks to Alissa Kling, Brittany Sedjo, Jodi Tupi, Stacey Anderson, and Aungelica Nyabere at Mindy Daniel’s ‘Orange’ table for taking such wonderful care of our Steering Team children this past Tuesday for our monthly planning meeting. You are a blessing! “Yellow” table has Steering Team child care for January: Our next Steering Team meeting will be Tuesday, January 5th and Caytie Hall’s ‘Yellow’ table will be helping out. Please mark your calendars and plan for an extra playdate with your MOPS buddies. (9:15AM-11:45) Thank you! Additional Help...

November 24th Meeting

I know we have a lot to be thankful for this week. As we lead into Thanksgiving week let’s try to notice goodness! A reminder that everyone is encourage to come early. Remember child care opens at 9:15 so if you check your kids in early you can get settled early too! Speaker Information Stacia Christenson is a "work from home" senior sales director, celebrating 19 years in her business.  She also serves as a Ministry Coach liaison for MOPS, Int'l.  As a complement to her daily work, she has discovered a new calling: presenting encouraging, faith-filled talks on image and modesty, prayer, the Five Love Languages, and this week’s topic:  Gratitude. She is married to Kevin and lives in Minnetonka. Her greatest and most important title to date is in the role she plays as a mom to her sweet P's, Peyton and Paisley.    Brunch A reminder that the BLUE TABLE has brunch this week. Craft We will be making ornaments with our MOPS theme this w...

November 10th Meeting

Looking forward to seeing everyone next Tuesday for our first meeting in November! A reminder that everyone is encourage to come early. Remember child care opens at 9:15 so if you check your kids in early you can get settled early too! Speaker Information Kathy White has been involved with and spoken at MOPS groups for over 20 years. “I love young moms and the love and dedication you have for your preschoolers.”  Kathy and her husband have owned a Christian bookstore for many years. She served as Women’s Ministry Director at New Hope Church for 10 years. Currently she is the Vice President of Field Ministries for Stonecroft Ministries, a national women’s ministry. Kathy’s favorite activity is having coffee and conversation with women about life and faith, and she believes there is no more important (and challenging) issue than being a mom. 10-27 Meeting Speaker Information Here are the PowerPoint slides from our speaker last week:

October 27th Meeting

Hard to believe we are three meetings into our year! I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful fall we have been blessed with! A reminder that everyone is encourage to come early. Remember child care opens at 9:15 so if you check your kids in early you can get settled early too! Speaker Information Our speaker next week is Dr. David Sibley. His talk it titled, “Communication Style Differences between Men and Women.” Dr. Sibley has been married to Nancy for 38 years. They have 3 children and 9 grandchildren. He has teaching degrees in secondary and elementary education. He also has a Master’s degree in Family Education and a Doctorate in Education. He currently works at the University of Northwestern. Brunch A reminder that the   ORANGE TABLE  has brunch for the 27th meeting. Steering Team Child Care A reminder that the BLUE TABLE is assigned to help with child care for the next steering team meeting on November 3 rd . Name Tags Don't forget to pick...

October 13th Meeting

We hope everyone had a wonderful first meeting and you are looking forward to our meeting next week, Tuesday, October 13th, 9:30-11:30.  A handful reminders as we look forward to our meeting. Everyone is encouraged to come early. We know this is so often easier said than done, but the earlier you arrive the more time you will have to check in your kids. Make sure to ask the greeters to help direct you of where to check in. Speaker Information Our speaker next week is Anna Braasch from Connected Families. Anna Braasch is the Director of Community Engagement at Connected Families. She is passionate about encouraging parents who are struggling in their parenting journey. Her desire is for parents to leave workshops feeling strengthened and with a strong desire to connect well with their children.  Anna has been married for 16 years and has two beautiful children, both born in Ethiopia. She brings her "in the trenches" personal experience to her speaking: infer...

First Maple Grove MOPS meeting of 2015-2016!

Welcome to Maple Grove MOPS! We are so excited to have you with us on this exciting journey to fierce flourishing. We understand that for some of you this might be your first MOPS meeting ever. Here are a few things to remember for our first meeting of the 2015-2016 year. Meeting Information A reminder that Maple Grove Evangelical Free Church is located at 8585 Rice Lake Rd., Maple Grove, MN 55369. Our meeting starts at 9:30 It is helpful to arrive a little early to check your kid(s) in their rooms Steering team members will be at the front doors to direct you if needed We will have a color coded table for each group If you are not sure which table you are sitting with this year please email:  A reminder you can see a picture of your DGL (and the rest of the steering team), here:    Remember to save your appetite as there will be a yummy brunch for everyone to enjoy At this first...

2nd Summer Newsletter

We have one play date and one Mom's night out coming up in July and August.   Remember you don't have to be a member of Maple Grove MOPS to attend, so you are encouraged to invite friends. Look for more information about these dates soon. T hursday, July 30th (play date) View more information about this play date click here . Friday August 21st (Mom's night out) View more information about this Mom's Night In click here The first MOPS meeting of the 2015-16 year will be Tuesday, September 22nd.  As we continue to plan for the fall we encourage you to invite other moms to Maple Grove MOPS. Space is still available for kids of all ages.  We will have an unofficial kick off to the MOPS year with a  play date on  Tuesday, September 15th  at the church. It is a great way for moms to come to the church before the first meeting and become familiar with the meeting room. It also gives everyone the opportunity to connect with other m...

1st Summer Newsletter

Welcome to summer! It is time to get out the sunscreen and sandals! We will be taking a break from regular meetings this summer but we will still have play date every month. The dates and times of play dates are still to be determined. Please look to the Facebook page and the blog for more information as it becomes available. Please remember that anyone is welcome to the summer play dates. They do not need to be a Maple Grove MOPS member; so encourage your friends to come along! The first MOPS meeting of the 2015-16 year will be Tuesday, September 22nd. Please note that this is the only month we will not meet on the 2nd Tuesday. The play date kick off is Tuesday, September 15th at the church. It is a great way for moms to come to the church before first meeting and become familiar with the meeting room. It also gives everyone the opportunity to connect with other moms at our tables and meet each other’s kids. The time is to be determined.

May 12th Newsletter

Our last meeting of the year: This being our last meeting of the year, we will have a slightly different format.  In lieu of a speaker we will have a time of reflection where we are encouraging everyone to think about how MOPS has been this year and maybe to share some highlights on your experience.  We would also love to hear anything pertaining to our theme of "Be You, Bravely" if it is applicable to you.  This is not mandatory but will be open mic for anyone who is up for sharing.  We will also be doing summer fun jar craft, in which we will have ideas for things to do with the kids over the summer time. This Week's Reminders: Everyone should have received an email regarding MOMCon. If anyone is interested in attending, please respond back to that email.  Reminder this a great opportunity for ALL moms to get refreshed and gain insight on how to be a better mom as well as opportunities for breakout sessions for those who want to fine tune some lead...

April 28th Newsletter

This Week's Speaker: Sarah Cook with Wildtree Sarah is a Wildtree representative and will be d iscussing meal planning and how to save both Time and Money! As a bonus, we will be making a recipe to bring home called "Best Burgers EVER." Please bring 1 lb of ground beef OR ground turkey in a gallon size freezer Ziploc Bag with your name on it to the meeting. (It can be already frozen meat, just don't thaw it out and refreeze it after the meeting). It is imperative that the protein be put in the bag and brought to the meeting so we do not have any handling of raw meat. Bring your bagged protein in your own insulated cooler with ice to keep it cold during the meeting time or you may store it in the cooler that we will have on hand for those who need it. This Week's Reminders: Applications are being accepted now through our next  (and last!) meeting on May 12th for our steering team for next year.  Please visit the "get involved" tab t...

April 14th Newsletter

This Week's Speaker:   Cheryl Eliason: Character Training-Kids Under Construction Cheryl Eliason speaks with passion and conviction to women, parents, and youth of all ages. Her enthusiastic and candid style addresses the “where we live” challenges of parenting. Cheryl’s background in Social Work, and experience as a parent of four children, give her a broad perspective born out of years of practical parenting practice. Along with her husband, Jeff, Cheryl co-founded their company Family Tools, Inc. – a resource company that educates and equips parents to be intentional. Their featured tool, PEGS®, sold internationally, helps families to establish structure and routine while providing a hands-on means to teach chores and address character issues. Cheryl is also a Certified Family Life Coach through The Parent Coaching Institute ( This Week's Reminders: It's not too late to register for the Spring Leadership Event for MOPS leadership.  If anyo...