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May 12th Newsletter

Our last meeting of the year:

This being our last meeting of the year, we will have a slightly different format.  In lieu of a speaker we will have a time of reflection where we are encouraging everyone to think about how MOPS has been this year and maybe to share some highlights on your experience.  We would also love to hear anything pertaining to our theme of "Be You, Bravely" if it is applicable to you.  This is not mandatory but will be open mic for anyone who is up for sharing. 
We will also be doing summer fun jar craft, in which we will have ideas for things to do with the kids over the summer time.

This Week's Reminders:

  • Everyone should have received an email regarding MOMCon. If anyone is interested in attending, please respond back to that email.  Reminder this a great opportunity for ALL moms to get refreshed and gain insight on how to be a better mom as well as opportunities for breakout sessions for those who want to fine tune some leadership skills.  The dates are Sept 15-17 and it is in Indianapolis.
  • A group of ladies is interested in starting a summer bible study which will most likely be the same times as MOPS. More info to come!
  • We still have a few opening on our steering team for next year.  We are looking for a few more Discussion Group Leaders (DGL's) and Hospitality. If you are interested in learning more about these positions, please talk to your DGL, to Jen or Jill, or refer to the "Get involved" tab to see a detailed description of the positions as well as an opportunity to fill out the application.
  • Registration for MOPS 2015/16 is open.  Please see Peggy with payment and to receive the early bird discount! 
  • Congratulations to Jessica Groth on the birth of Finnley Rae!

    This Week's MOPPETS:

    MOPPETS for May 2015
    Theme: ‘Growing Colors’ Celebrating God’s colorful world.

    A huge THANK YOU to all of our moms for helping with our Steering Team childcare throughout the year. So grateful to you and for your loving on our kiddos while we plan the MOPS meetings.

  • BOZ Buzz!
Celebrating God’s gift of colorful world in the next theme for BOZ Treehouse Time! at MOPPETS. We will identify, use, and appreciate the beautiful colors around us. To introduce this topic, informally help your child identify colors. For example, as you’re working in the kitchen you might say, “I’m preparing something green for lunch. What do you think we’ll eat?” or tomorrow morning ask, “Do you want to wear the shirt that’s red or the shirt that’s blue?” Especially enjoy discovering with your child the special colors that pop up in Spring.
  • Biblical Concept: God created a colorful world.
  • Memory Verse: God created the world. From Psalm 134:3: May the Lord bless you from Zion, he who is the Maker of heaven and earth.
  • Snack:
    • May 12th: Skinny Pop Popcorn and Fruit Snacks

Looking ahead:
  • Please dress your child for the outside weather. The weather is so beautiful this Spring!!! Weather permitting we will be going outside on Tuesday.
  • Just a heads up: Volunteers are needed for a Steering Team Meeting sometime in June. A new Steering Team is being formed! We would like to get together to strategize the 2015-16 year. We usually meet on a Tuesday morning, same hours as MOPS. If you have signed up for MOPS next year, would you please help out? We ask our moms to work one Steering Team meeting a year to keep childcare costs to you as low as possible and this would fill that spot for your 2015-16 MOPS year. WHEN A DATE IS CHOSEN, if you would be able to help watch the Steering Team’s kiddos that would be such a help. Please give me a call or an email if you are available. Thank you so much!!!

We hope that you have been blessed by MOPS and your child(ren) are crazy over BOZ and his love of God this year. Have a WONDERFUL SUMMER and we hope to see you back in the fall. God bless you all.

-Lori Andreen
MOPPETS Coordinator

 Save the Date:

  • May 29th at 7pm: Bonfire at Lindsay Grill's house. 6998 Polaris Ln N. Maple Grove, 55311. Bring a chair if you have one and an appetizer or dessert to share. If raining, we will go inside for games.
  • Stay tuned for information about summer events! We will be sending that information to you via email.
