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November 10th Meeting

Looking forward to seeing everyone next Tuesday for our first meeting in November!

A reminder that everyone is encourage to come early. Remember child care opens at 9:15 so if you check your kids in early you can get settled early too!

Speaker Information
Kathy White has been involved with and spoken at MOPS groups for over 20 years. “I love young moms and the love and dedication you have for your preschoolers.”  Kathy and her husband have owned a Christian bookstore for many years. She served as Women’s Ministry Director at New Hope Church for 10 years. Currently she is the Vice President of Field Ministries for Stonecroft Ministries, a national women’s ministry. Kathy’s favorite activity is having coffee and conversation with women about life and faith, and she believes there is no more important (and challenging) issue than being a mom.

10-27 Meeting Speaker Information
Here are the PowerPoint slides from our speaker last week:

Upcoming Play Date
Our next play date is Tuesday, November 17 from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM. It will be at the church. Please RSVP via the Evite sent this week.

Fall Service Project
Our group will be Christmas caroling with sister tables and kids at Nursing/Senior homes.
If anyone has a personal connection to a nursing/senior home in the area we would love to use it as one of caroling visits. Please email with info. Dates and times to be determined.

Steering Team Child Care
A reminder that the PURPLE TABLE is assigned to help with child care for the next meeting on December 1st.

Name Tags
Don't forget to pick up your name tags at the welcome table upstairs when you walk into MOPS and leave them at your table when you go home.

A reminder to send your family pictures into your DGL. Even one from an IPhone works! If you have any questions about how to do this please contact Heather ( 

MOPPET Lesson Plan
Click here to view the MOPPET lesson plan for the week. 
