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Showing posts from May, 2015

1st Summer Newsletter

Welcome to summer! It is time to get out the sunscreen and sandals! We will be taking a break from regular meetings this summer but we will still have play date every month. The dates and times of play dates are still to be determined. Please look to the Facebook page and the blog for more information as it becomes available. Please remember that anyone is welcome to the summer play dates. They do not need to be a Maple Grove MOPS member; so encourage your friends to come along! The first MOPS meeting of the 2015-16 year will be Tuesday, September 22nd. Please note that this is the only month we will not meet on the 2nd Tuesday. The play date kick off is Tuesday, September 15th at the church. It is a great way for moms to come to the church before first meeting and become familiar with the meeting room. It also gives everyone the opportunity to connect with other moms at our tables and meet each other’s kids. The time is to be determined.

May 12th Newsletter

Our last meeting of the year: This being our last meeting of the year, we will have a slightly different format.  In lieu of a speaker we will have a time of reflection where we are encouraging everyone to think about how MOPS has been this year and maybe to share some highlights on your experience.  We would also love to hear anything pertaining to our theme of "Be You, Bravely" if it is applicable to you.  This is not mandatory but will be open mic for anyone who is up for sharing.  We will also be doing summer fun jar craft, in which we will have ideas for things to do with the kids over the summer time. This Week's Reminders: Everyone should have received an email regarding MOMCon. If anyone is interested in attending, please respond back to that email.  Reminder this a great opportunity for ALL moms to get refreshed and gain insight on how to be a better mom as well as opportunities for breakout sessions for those who want to fine tune some lead...