This Week's Speaker:
Russ Berg: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Russ has been married for more than 40 years to his wife Melody.They laugh now
about the fact that those were probably the 30 happiest years of their
lives. They knew the pain of “being alone together” and feeling like they were losing hope during a rough time in our marriage. They have grown to become absolute best friends and life mates with 2 married daughters, wonderful son-in-laws and 5 awesome grand kids. Russ is the former pastor of Maple Grove Evangelical Free Church and since getting his doctorate in Marriage and Family Counseling, is now the
pastoral counselor and full time director of pastoral training with the Hope for the Hurting Home. Russ equips church leaders and lay people to change the culture of divorce in America, one marriage at a time.
pastoral counselor and full time director of pastoral training with the Hope for the Hurting Home. Russ equips church leaders and lay people to change the culture of divorce in America, one marriage at a time.
This Week's Reminders:
- Registration for the Spring Leadership Event for MOPS leadership- Area 9 is now open. If anyone is looking to join our leadership team for next year, or is just looking for an opportunity to grow as a mom and a leader, this event is for you. Early Bird registration is just $10 and Sara Groves will be there speaking before the event. Event date is April 25th (Mom time with Sara Groves 9-945 optional) 10:00am-430pm at Westwood Community Church in Excelsior, MN. If this is something you are interesting in please see Jen or Erica or contact them at
- New MOPS Moms: Please follow this blog by email using the toolbar on the right-hand side of this blog page. We don't want you to miss anything! Also join our MOPS group on Facebook! This has been a great way to stay connected throughout the week.
This Week's MOPPETS:
for February 2015
Counting on God’s Love – a Valentine message
signs of God’s love is the next theme for BOZ Treehouse Time! at
MOPPETS. To introduce this topic, help your child count the blessings
that are visible each day. You might even make a list of blessings
and then challenge other family members to make their own lists to
share on Valentine’s Day. Who can find the most gifts from God?
Especially enjoy celebrating this holiday of love with your child,
one of God’s greatest blessings to a mom.
- Memory Verse: God loves me. I love God.
John 4:19 - We
love because he first loved us.)
- Biblical Concept: We love God who first loved us.
- Snack:
- February 24th: Veggie Straws
- We are looking for more child care workers as some of our workers have headed to warmer areas for the winter. If you have a friend, mom, grandmother, etc. who might be interested in helping, please contact me at the number/email below. Thank you!
- Cardboard Egg Cartons (that we can paint) are needed for a craft for April . Thanks to those of you who have started to bring them in!
- Steering Team Meeting Child care Moms for Tuesday, March 3rd 9:15 – 11:45 AM. Thank you so much for helping out!!! If you cannot make it, PLEASE LET ME KNOW and if you can find a sub that would be super sweet!
- Heidi Sporre and Rachel Simmonds (Waddler Room)
- Marissa Nadolski (Cruiser Room) Could use one more!
- Mandy Mueller (Sea Mates)
you all a happy Valentine’s Day!
Save the Date:
- March 20th: Couple's Night Out. Be checking your email for more event details as it gets closer.
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