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January 13th Newsletter

This Week's Speaker:

Pam Mertz: All things new, A talk of Grief

A Mother’s story of loss and life restored- Pam tells her story of the loss of her son, how God it changed her, and how to help others with their grief.

This Week's Reminders:

  • We have our "Dad Panel" for our next meeting.  Please think of questions you have that you would like them to answer. You can submit them at this meeting or you can email to  
  • We are now in the second half of our MOPS year.  Spring dues are now due.  If you owe any dues, you should receive an email from Peggy.  Please bring this to our next meeting.  If you have any questions, you can email Peggy at
  • The Jr. High at Maple Grove Evangelical Free Church is collecting items for inner cities charities.  Items collected are clothing, shoes and personal hygiene items. If you have a donation, please bring it to MOPS. It can be dropped off in the lobby.
  • We still have a few limited openings based on the age of your children.  If you know anyone interested in joining our group, directed them to our blog to fill out an application. 

    This Week's MOPPETS:

    MOPPETS for January 2015 Theme: O Say Can U C?

    Welcome to MOPPETS for 2015! We are looking forward to spending time with each of your children and teaching them how very much God loves them. Thank you for sharing them with us!

    BOZ Buzz!
    Letters of the alphabet is the next theme for BOZ Treehouse Time! at MOPPETS. To introduce this topic, please talk with your child about the letters that make up his or her name. When you read a nighttime story, point out how individual letters make words. With your help, even young children can recognize sight words they see regularly like “stop” and “exit”. Identifying visual clues, including common words, helps a young child understand the world.

    • Memory Verse: I can learn about God
    (Psalm 25:4 - Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow.)
    • Biblical Concept: We should follow God’s teaching
    • Snack:
      • January 13th: Chex Mix
      • January 27th: Pretzels, cheese squares, and blueberries.

    Looking ahead:

    We are looking for more child care workers for the January through April as some of our workers have headed to warmer areas for the winter. If you have a friend, mom, grandmother, etc. who might be interested in helping, please contact me at the number/email below.
    Thank you!

    • Cardboard Egg Cartons (that we can paint) are needed for a craft for April .

    • Steering Team Meeting Moms for Tuesday, February 9:15 – 11:45 AM. Thank you so much for helping out!!!
      • Amber Fodstad (Waddler Room)
      • Tracy Mueller (Cruiser Room)
      • Elissa Miller (Sea Mates)

    Looking forward to spending 2015 with your precious children.

    -Lori Andreen
    MOPPETS Coordinator

     Save the Date:  

    • Bunco Night: January 20th from 7-10 at MGEFC.  You don't need to know how to play to come. Very easy to learn!  Come have fun, socialize, and get to know other ladies from MOPS. See evite for more details.
    •  Feb 17th: All MOPS playdate.  More details to come. Watch your email.
