This Week's Speaker:
Christy Englehart-Hope Anchors the Soul
Christy Engelhart has been happily
married to her “exceptionally good looking” best friend, Chad,
for ten years. She is a mom to three wonderfully rambunctious kiddos
that keep her on her toes, and also clambering for a cup or two of
coffee every morning. She loves any excuse to go out with friends,
especially if there is food involved. Most importantly, she is a
passionate follower of Jesus Christ. Christy earned a
Bachelor’s degree in Communication and a Master of Christian
Education from Bethel University and Seminary in St Paul, MN. For
eight years, she served as the middle school youth pastor at Oak
Haven Church in Ham Lake, MN. During that time she developed a love
for speaking to youth (and adults) about the love and grace of Jesus. In 2011, with the
pending birth of her second child, she made the difficult choice to
step down from full-time Church ministry to focus primarily on
raising her children. Now, when time permits, Christy enjoys blogging
at, and speaking to groups (of all ages)
about the many things God is teaching her on this incredible
journey called life.
This Week's Reminders:
- This is our only meeting for the month of December. We will see you back January 13th.
- We have Day of Pampering needs. Don't forget to respond to the email you were sent with these needs and let us know if you can help to make this day a success.
- Due to our sound issues, we will be going up to the sanctuary for our speaker again. In order to not lose a lot of discussion and/or craft time, please avoid lingering in the community room.
- We will be signing thank you cards for our MOPPETS workers during brunch. Please take a moment when you can to make sure you get a chance to sign them.
This Week's MOPPETS:
for December 2014
A WoweeBOZowee Christmas!
is coming to
BOZ Treehouse Time!
At MOPPETS, we will focus on the birth of Jesus as recorded in Luke
children love to role-play events of the first Christmas. For a
living nativity, wrap a doll in a towel and let your child dress up
as you explain what happened in Bethlehem. A towel, bathrobe or
terrycloth swim cover-up works well as a generic costume to dress as
Mary, Joseph, and the innkeeper and shepherds. This can be a simple
way to highlight the real meaning of the season.
- Memory Verse: Jesus was born for me. (From Luke 2:11 – “The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!”)
- Biblical Concept: God’s Son, Jesus, was born on Christmas.
- Snack: Mini-wheats (think manger straw ).
- Steering Team Meeting Moms for Tuesday, January 6th 9:15 – 11:45 AM. Thank you so much for helping out!!!
- Karyn Bormes (Waddler Room)
- Jill Cazett (Cruiser Room)
- Erin Lenberg (Sea Mates)
- Save your bubble wrap for January! Kids love bubble wrap and we have a fun day planned for one of our January sessions (think carpet and jumping and dancing). Bubble wrap is pricey, big or little bubbles are fine. If you have any that you can spare…
are so thankful for you, and for your children. Blessings to you and
your family as you celebrate the all the good things that the Lord
has brought into your lives. May He receive all the glory.
the first 5 letters are the most important part of Christmas.
May you have a blessed celebration of our Lord’s birth with your
Save the Date:
- December 16th 9:30-11:30 am: All MOPS playdate at MGEFC. We will have a craft for the kids, snacks, coffee and music (and maybe a surprise or two). Come and join us while we chat and have some play fun with our kids.
- January 20th: Mom's night IN. See your email for an upcoming evite for event details.
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