This Week's Speaker:
Kristen Armstrong Video
This is our last week of MOPS for the 2013/14 year! We found a short video to use in place of a speaker to increase the time for discussion and wrap up with your tables.
This Week's Reminders:
- Robbinsdale Women's Center: This week we will be collecting monetary donations for the RWC Walk for Life. This money goes to raise funds to reach women in crisis pregnancy situations. Any amount would be a blessing!
- Steering Team Positions: Our MOPS Steering team still has some positions open for the 2014/15 MOPS Year. Hospitality (both for meetings and events), discussion group leaders and finance coordinator positions are still needing to be filled. If you feel this is a way in which you would like to serve, please contact Kelly at or Jen at
- Registration is now open for our MOPS 2014/15 year. In the past we have filled our seats fairly quickly and have maintained a waiting list throughout the year. If you are interested in joining us again next year either see Meg or download the form available on the previous blog entry labeled: Registration for MOPS 2014/15
This Week's MOPPETS:
Hi, Moms! It’s
been a wonderful year! We love your children; they are God’s very
special creations. Thank you for sharing them with us so that we can
pack them full of His holy Word. This week we will be continuing to
work on our counting…
TREEHOUSE TIME! ‘A Carnival of
BOZ Buzz! Counting
God’s blessings is the next theme for BOZ
Treehouse Time! at MOPPETS. To introduce this
topic, please look for ways to practice counting (spoons at the
dinner table, hangers in the closet, toys to clean up!) with your
- Memory Verse: God gives me many good things. (from 2 Corinthians 9:15)
- Concept in Action: I can count!
- Snack: Goldfish
- Craft: Crowns
for more information about our curriculum. If you have any questions
or concerns, please contact me.
God is so good! Have a
wonderful summer!
–Lori Andreen
Save the Date:
- Summer playdate: This summer we are doing things a bit different than past years. We are encouraging tables to set up their own playdates, but MOPS is only setting up one formal playdate. July 29th we will be having a potluck here at Maple Grove Evangelical Free Church from 1030a-1230p with lunch at 11 am. So bring a dish to pass. We will be outdoors unless it rains.
- Vacation Bible School: This year MGEFC is having a VBS July 21-24 for children ages 3 years- 6th grade. If you are interested in having your child in this program, check out the church website at (no information is currently available as it is a ways out yet, but keep checking! It should be up soon!)
- MOMCon 2014: MomCon 2014 is in Louisville, KY October 2-4. Any mom can come and be refreshed, rejuvenated, and re-energizedby this 3 days MOPS conference. If you are interested contact Kelly Thomas for more information at
- RWC Walk for Life: MGEFC MOPS are walking together Saturday, May 17th, rain or shine, for the Robbinsdale Women’s Center’s Annual "Walk for Life“. Help RWC raise $25,000 to reach more abortion-vulnerable women by sharing the truth of life and the mercy of Christ. This beautiful two-mile Walk is for all ages will start at the French Park Visitor Center, pass along scenic Medicine Lake, and feature face painting, balloon twist-art, and a visit from the Plymouth Fire Department’s fire truck for your children. Event starts at 9 am atClifton E. French Park Visitor Center - by the playground 12605 Rockford Road Plymouth, MN 55441
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