Day of Pampering:
Prepare to be pampered…Day of
Pampering is finally here! Our MOPS morning will begin as usual with
finding your table for prayer and announcements. After that it’s up
to you!
The following complimentary services will be provided: back massage, hand massage, skin mapping, eyebrow waxing, eye treatments, makeup, satin hands by Mary Kay and hand waxing. Take a look around and keep an eye on the lines for the services you're interested in receiving. Each station will be on a first come first serve basis. Yummy brunch will be provided as usual. Feel free to take this opportunity to sit by women you ordinarily wouldn’t have the chance to.
To add to the relaxed feeling of the day feel free to come in whatever clothes you find to be most comfortable. Let’s get our kiddos in on the fun too…no need to get them dressed in the morning bring them in their jammies. If you’re planning on taking advantage of eye brow waxing, eye treatments or makeup services remember to skip your makeup routing in the morning. Leaving rings and bracelets at home would also be a good idea if you plan to take advantage of satin hands or hand waxing.
Our hope is that this day will leaves you feeling refreshed and maybe just a little spoiled!
The following complimentary services will be provided: back massage, hand massage, skin mapping, eyebrow waxing, eye treatments, makeup, satin hands by Mary Kay and hand waxing. Take a look around and keep an eye on the lines for the services you're interested in receiving. Each station will be on a first come first serve basis. Yummy brunch will be provided as usual. Feel free to take this opportunity to sit by women you ordinarily wouldn’t have the chance to.
To add to the relaxed feeling of the day feel free to come in whatever clothes you find to be most comfortable. Let’s get our kiddos in on the fun too…no need to get them dressed in the morning bring them in their jammies. If you’re planning on taking advantage of eye brow waxing, eye treatments or makeup services remember to skip your makeup routing in the morning. Leaving rings and bracelets at home would also be a good idea if you plan to take advantage of satin hands or hand waxing.
Our hope is that this day will leaves you feeling refreshed and maybe just a little spoiled!
* Also, Melissa will be here from It Works
Global. She will be donating one body wrap for our Day of
Pampering and will have a lot more wraps for sale for $25. You
can even choose to wrap during our Day of Pampering. She will
assist with wrapping and unwrapping as well as explain more about her
products. If 10 people wrap during the morning, Melissa will
donate an additional box of wraps to be given away in our group. For
more information about these products, head over to
This Week's Reminders:
- Robbinsdale Women's Center donations: This month we have been asked for donations of crib sheets, pacifiers, and baby bottles. Also gift cards to WalMart or Target would also be a great help.
- We are starting for MOPS for next fall. We have some openings on our Steering Team that we need to fill. If you are feeling led to be a part of this ministry please contact Kelly Thomas at or Rachel Seifert at
This Week's MOPPETS:
BOZ TREEHOUSE TIME! April Topic: ‘Look In A Book!’
BOZ Buzz! Exploring the wonderful world of books is the next theme for BOZ Treehouse
Time! at MOPPETS! The Bible is, of course, the BEST BOOK, but we’ll also talk about other
books. To introduce this topic, please read your child’s favorite Bible story and any other
favorite books with your child. Have fun reading!
●Memory Verse: The Bible is God’s Word (from 2 Timothy 3:16)
●Biblical Concept: God has given us many sources of wisdom, but the Bible is the greatest
source of knowledge.
●Concept in Action: I can learn from books, especially the Bible.
●April 8th: Easter Cross: Graham cracker dip sticks, cream cheese, and cranberries.
Save the Date:
- RWC Walk for Life: May 17th is the Robbinsdale Women's Center charity walk to raise money for this crisis pregnancy center. This is a family friendly activity so bring the kids along for a fun morning. The walk starts at 9 am and stay after for fun games and activities for the kids.
- Mom's night out: We will be going to see the movie "Mom's Night Out" on May 10th at the Icon Theater in St. Louis Park. Be watching your email for an evite as the event gets closer for more details on cost and time.
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