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January 14th Newsletter

Hello MOPS Ladies!  We trust you had a safe, happy and joy-filled Christmas Season.  Time to get back into the swing of things!!

This Week's Speaker:

The five love languages: Kilee Christnagel
  My name is Kilee Christnagel. I began my teaching career in 1996. I taught overseas for 2 years in Japan and then Guam. In 1998, I returned to the states and began my career with Minneapolis Public Schools. My experience has been in early childhood; preschool through 2nd grade. I have been teaching at Marcy Open since 2004.
I graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1995 with a B.S. in Family Social Science. I continued at the University of MN to get my Masters in Education. I hold a Birth-Grade 6 and parent and family education teaching license.
I live in Maple Grove with my husband and 3 children. I encourage parent-teacher partnerships. Please feel free to contact me at anytime:

This Week's Reminders:

  • Our Robbinsdale Women's center donations for this month are pacifiers and baby wipes.  You can bring these items for donation either this week or our meeting on the 28th.
  •  We are still looking for more donations for the Day of Pampering coming up in April.  If you own your own business and would like to donate products or services to this event please email Laura at

    This Week's MOPPETS:

    BOZ TREEHOUSE TIME! January Topic: ‘Doing Our Fair Share!’

    Welcome Back! We look forward to seeing you AND your children again this week!

    Waddler alert! If you have a child in the Waddler classroom we would like to suggest that you bring along a favorite toy or blanket (small) to help with transition. Thank you!

    BOZ Buzz!
    Helping others’ is the next theme for BOZ Treehouse Time! at MOPPETS. We will focus on everyday ways children can help around the house, including picking up toys, making their beds and turning off lights. To introduce this topic, please look for opportunities to highlight and affirm the way your child helps (or attempts to help ) in the next few days.

    Lesson Overview: Just for you!
    Researchers have documented that children who practice empathy – caring for and about others – at an early age are more likely to have a generous spirit throughout life. Psychologists have shown that even the thought of helping others generates warm feelings, or a ‘helper’s high’. Of course, we don’t need scientists to document the value of doing good deeds. The second Great Commandment given by Jesus – ‘love your neighbor as yourself ’ – motivates us to offer a helping hand to those in need.

  • Memory Verse: Help everyone. (from 1 Timothy 6:18)
  • Biblical Concept: God wants me to help others.
  • Concept in Action: I can help
  • Snack: (Cruiser Room and up)
  • January 14th: Snowmen: Rice Cakes with cream cheese, craisins, and carrot slivers. (Rice cakes for Cruisers)
  • January 28th: “I help you Trail Mix”: Chex cereal, pretzels, craisins, mini-marshmallows (Chex mix for Cruisers)

Visit for more information about our curriculum. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.

Lori Andreen 612.802.1550

Save the Date:

  • Couple's night out: January 31st 7 pm at Park Tavern in St. Louis Park for bowling.  You will need to arrange your own sitter.
  • Mom's Night out: April 17th to see "Heaven is for Real" at Icon Theater in St. Louis Park. Time and price to be determined.
