TOP 5 REASONS MOPS SUMMER PLAY DATES ROCK : Reason #5: You and your kids get out of the house to enjoy the sun, spend time together, and discover new activities you might not have been motivated to try otherwise... Reason # 4-1/2: Other moms are often willing to hold your kids for you while you do super important take pictures... Reason #4: You can be silly and wave for a picture, and no one around you will think you're crazy... See? Sparky does it too! Reason #3: From pushing around double-wide strollers to wiping peanut butter out of your kids' eyebrows, you know you're not alone... Reason #2: Whether you've been part of MOPS since the invention of the Swiffer or you're joining us for the very first time, there's no better way to build lasting friendships... Reason #1: It's so refreshing to let someone else jump through the hoops for once... If you missed out ...